Saturday, May 18, 2013

April Knee Doctor Appointment

Well my appointment with the knee doctor last month was pretty disappointing to say the least. They took an x-ray and told me what I already knew: that my knee caps are tilted. This is not new news. He also said that he thought I had not spent enough time in physical therapy yet. So although he gave me a prescription for an MRI so that I wouldn't have to come back for another appointment just for that, he wanted me to go to PT for four more weeks before using it.

I debated with myself what to do, because I really believed my knee was not going to get better. But I decided to follow the doctor's instructions and continue PT before getting the MRI. Well we are at almost 4 weeks later now, but my knee is not really better. Over the past week I have noticed a slight improvement, but that is mostly because I have been really sick and resting more and doing less. I know that as soon as I'm back to more activities, my knee will kill me again. So I am planning to schedule the MRI ASAP so that we can see what's really going on in there. I only wish I had followed my intuition and done it sooner.

I have to get my knee better soon because not only am I moving to New Orleans this summer, I'm also traveling to Europe where I will need to do a lot of walking!

My knee has to get better in time to explore Prague this summer!