Friday, August 10, 2012

Reconstructed Ankles Don't Like Walking on Sand

I got to take a little vacation to the beach! We go to Outer Banks, NC of course!

Nags Head, NC - Jeanette's Pier
I have been avoiding the sun this summer because of my scars. In fact, this swimmer went to the pool for the first time this summer on vacation - August 4th. It hurts my swimmer's heart to say it, but it's true. But surgery scars don't like the sun! Especially if I want them to fade. To go out I layered my sun tan lotion - a layer of SPF 15 Scar Zone, a layer of SPF 45 lotion, a layer of SPF 50 from a lotion stick, and then just to be safe a layer of SPF 45 spray lotion. Then most days I sat with a towel over my foot too. But the biggest discovery of vacation was that my ankle doesn't like walking on sand. It's just not strong enough yet.

The first day we went to the beach there was really strong undertow and I almost fell over just standing on the edge of the water. It was like I couldn't stay standing in the sand. Walking down the beach was hard too. Everyday it felt like my ankle was getting a really hard workout. And maybe that was a strengthening exercise it needed, but it was painful and exhausting just going to the beach. I can't wait to get back to "normal" someday! I feel like I have just missed so many things that I want to do or things that should be normal or easy are just so difficult.

Despite the workout my ankle got, I had a wonderful and relaxing vacation. Being on the water just does something for my soul. I need to move to live on a beach or lake of some sort. Any suggestions?

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