Sunday, April 1, 2012

On Turning 27

On Tuesday I turned 27. Happy Birthday to me! :) I'm getting old, loves! But I am looking forward to seeing what 27 brings. I can tell my "golden year" is going to be great! Much like the year 2011, I was ready to say goodbye to being 26 - these haven't been fun times lately. I'm ready to move onto brighter days!!

I have noticed that parts of me feel older. I'm serious people! My skin is not looking as young as it used to - this is greatly upsetting! I'm taking extra good care of it these days. I only wish I could go back and tell 16 (or 17 through 21) year old Erin who spent all day everyday in the summer outdoors at the pool in direct sunlight to WEAR HER FREAKING SUN TAN LOTION!!! (SPF 45 every 2 hours girl!!) and prevent current and future Erin's wrinkles!! And I know that I'm still very young, but other things about my body feel older and I wonder how fast I would be healing if I was even younger.

The biggest thing I have learned (or am trying to!) as I get older and think about where I thought my life might be by now and where it is, is to stop making so many plans with expectations, and to trust that things will happen when they're supposed to. As my some of my clients would say, "Let go and let God." Some people may think this is an interesting way for me to think about things... but I think most of you know that I do have a lot of faith. So I'm trying to remember that things happen in God's time and not ours. I want my ankle to heal right now so I can go running, biking, kickboxing, boxing... just feel normal! But that's not how life works, and it's not how my body works. And it's time to stop worrying about where I "should" be or where other people are, and trust that I'm doing everything I'm supposed to be doing and that's just fine. Everything will work out the way it's supposed to, and I've been shown this time and again. It's just a hard lesson to learn. And I'm sure many of you know this lesson can be applied to many other areas of my life that I thought would be different at this point. I'm embracing being a work in progress!

I'm a work in progress! :)
It's time right now to focus on what is positive and going well. And there is so much with my ankle and in my life that is going well! I truly have no complaints when I really think about it. And the rest will come later, when it's REALLY time. Won't that be fun to see why things worked out the way they did? I love that.

So thanks for all of the birthday love everyone! It made me feel so special! But thanks especially for all of the LOVE you've given me along my ankle journey, and just in everyday life. It means a lot. I have some of the BEST people in my life. Sometimes I wonder how I ever got so lucky.

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