Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Whoops! I've been MIA

Whoops! I haven't had time to update my blog recently. Well last week at PT we had to dial things back slightly since I was in so much pain from standing too long over the weekend. It's kind of frustrating, but when I think that just a few weeks ago I was barely walking on my own, it doesn't seem so bad.

Since I had so much pain last week, they advised me to wear my boot to my swim meets this past weekend. (Yes, I had 2 in one weekend!). I think it is better to wear my boot to those because I REALLY swell up when I stand for a bit.

This week started out ok on Monday - I was feeling pretty good. Not too much pain and not too stiff. Then I think I over did it. I was cleaning for a while without any shoes on (a big no no) and then tried to carry stuff that was too heavy. I forget with things like that, that I can't just pick up anything like I used to. I have to work back up to carrying heavier things.

My incisions were super sensitive when I tried to go to sleep last night. I still sleep with my foot on a pillow, but I have been trying to put the pillow and my foot under a blanket now. My foot was not having that! It hurt to have anything touch it. Today when I woke up my foot was pretty stiff. I think it is also effected by the weather and it had been pretty rainy. Of course, my right knee hurting as well. Awesome. I went to PT today and we're still taking it a bit easier because of the stiffness/pain. But I did get leg exercises to strengthen my leg back up and hopefully help my knee as well. I also moved up from the blue resistance band to the black for my pointing and flexing exercises. Brenda and Dave (PT) REALLY want me to go swimming. Mostly they want me to practice walking correctly in the water and work on standing on my toes, doing calf raises. I am still limping a bit, and it gets worse the more pain I'm in or the stiffer I feel (aka as the day goes on). They think practicing that in the water is going to help me finally walk correctly and feel confident about it. They have threatened to keep calling to check in with me to see if I've swam yet. I guess I'll take my suit with me tonight...

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