Sunday, December 11, 2011

Kindness: Aloha Spirit

Early last week I was in a really bad mood. It was cold and gray out, and I just felt blah. So I went to Starbucks (now that I can drive again and get around a little!). The barista there made my day and cheered me up.

I paid with my Hawaii Starbucks card and she noticed it right away. I actually feel upset if people don't comment on it, because let's be real, it's really cool to have a Hawaii Starbucks card (especially when you live somewhere other than Hawaii). But she wanted to talk more about Hawaii. She was so happy and friendly. Her mood rubbed off on me! She is getting ready to transfer from NOVA to a 4 year university, and I might have encouraged her to apply to Hawaii. Why not, right?

So often we go through our days and are in a rush and don't consider others. When someone slows down and takes a moment to be friendly and kind it really can make a difference. Who might need some kindness in your life? How can you show kindness to others?

a black sand beach on Maui, January 2011

Oahu, January 2011

whale watching in Maui, January 2011

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