Saturday, December 17, 2011


Well I've had a setback in my recovery and progress. Here's what we think happened: I had been practicing walking correctly by bending my foot and pushing off on the ball of my foot. (Apparently this is what "normal" people do.) After finally finding that my brace would fit in two sizes too big Crocs I started wearing it most of the time. Friday I went to the grocery store (I <3 Wegmans) and then made soup and finished all of last week's baking. By the end of the day I was aching, which is normal when I over do it a bit. But the aching didn't go away.

In fact, the aching turned into PAIN. I could barely walk at all it hurt so bad. So I went back to mostly wearing the boot (especially when visiting with friends in Baltimore to see my fav Christmas lights in Hampden!) and trying to stay off it last weekend.

When I went to PT on Tuesday it was still sore. They looked at it and don't think I've done any damage to anything, I'm just sore from over doing it. I didn't fall or get kicked or something like that, so knowing that nothing was damaged was a huge relief. So I rested until PT on Thursday. But it still hurt. It is SO frustrating because I had to go back to the beginning - being stretched, only doing ankle pumps, massage for the fluid, and EStim and ice. I can't do any strengthening exercises or anything I had advanced to. Boo.

I'm in my boot and resting through this weekend to see what happens. Dave (PT) told me if I have to stand to put my weight on my left foot. Awesome. This should make coaching my first meet this afternoon interesting!

I blame the brace. I've never liked it. Ahhhh!!

Hampden lights!

Marcelle, Amanda, and I at Hampden lights!

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